Monday, December 28, 2009


As i view my old pictures, I found few pictures that makes me smile. Sigh.. I was young that age when I started my own business. I miss those days when I'm young.. haha.. not saying that I'm old now it just.. its different now.. Much different now.

I miss my long hair

I miss my friend too.. where are they?

My other half

My big day

Our honeymoon in Bali. I always love Bali.

I miss my preggie moments

Its her- Leia Sara Qadeja

First time holding her

My preacious

There's no word from me when I look at Sara's 1st day born pictures. Its like a miracle. No words from me.
I want her to stay healthy and have a bright future. Nothing else I want for her.. Just loves and effections.

Much love from Mummy.

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