Sunday, December 13, 2009


Hye uols!! I have a blast and hectic weekend today! It's so tiring when you have to deal with uncivilized peoples but somehow.. its ok then.. just follow the flow.
Rafie just called me when I'm updating my facebook and asked if I can sew a bustier and a flare long skirt in 4 days.. hurm~ ok.. I expirienced doing same thing back in 2006 when I have to finish a layered dress in 18 hours and I tell you.. its crazy!! Super crazy. I dont even have an industrial machine back then just a normal portable Singer sewing machine, can you imagine.. ?? I still can remember how I half dead cutting the super soft silk chiffon into a small layer and then assemble it one by one.. and till morning I still remember, Isma aka Azma waiting for me at sofa, drinking double sachet of Nescafe while I finish the dress. Its so tiring but I enjoy it bcoz its a new expirience for me! I miss those days! I can tell I proud that finally I made it and I saw the dress on Pushpa Narayan but well.. it wasnt under my label bcoz Im doing it for someone else. But still, deep inside I am proud of it.
I never took any diploma in fashion before. Never! I only took a 3 months basic sewing at International Fashion Training Centre (IFTC) at Bukit Bintang. Im struggle back then, 10am-5pm got class, then rush back to Damansara and work 6pm-12am at Starbucks The Curve.. really teach me how to be independent!!! Well back to my story..
After 3 months, I didnt start any sewing business yet. But I started after a year. Slowly I took an order of Baju Kurung during Raya. Its fun and from there I realize that actually it can turn into a business. A home business. Im not happy bcoz other friends have skills to sewn a dress... bridal dress while I cant so I took a private class with Kak Lyn which is my former lecturer for 6 months. I learn as many as I want!! and I slowly developing new skills on my own and also I invest some for book and such.
I'm not saying Im happy what I have now but I try to be more greatfull and always remember to upgrade my skill from time to time. A perfect craftsmen needs time to sharpen their skills over the time. Im expecting to sell my own design for 2010 Raya collections and I hope it ready by 2 months before Raya.!!
Well I guess thats all for now. Got to go. My eyes getting smaller. Haha.. Good night.

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