Monday, September 12, 2011


Selamat Hari Raya!!

Dah nak masuk Minggu ke-2  baru la berpeluang nak blog. Last I blog is right before Ramadhan. Tersangatlah busy with workload and tempahan and even dah habis raya, still busy with tempahan and now I'm working out on Izzati's dress for her sister wedding. InsyAllah I will put up her dress.

Nothing much to blog about just busy baca blog orang lain.. tapi blog sendiri bersawang.. fuh..fuh.. There's 2 blog that I llove to follow- proudduck and nisamazbar. Both are very passionate about dreams and life. I admire both of them been success in such a young age and InsyAllah one day I will success in young age too. (that's why working so hard from now)

Talking about my project's progress, very slow because I'm still working in the same time. That why flicka and Nazuin Halim don't have any new product yet. I'm still considering if I should continue with Flicka or not. Or maybe I shoud put both under same name- Nazuin Halim. It never easy to rebranding anyway.

Lately I'm crazy about shopping online. actually nak kata takde masa langsung nak shopping tak jugak. Even during off day pun busy menjahit (sorry Sara.. mummy lama tak hang out dengan Sara). So jalan terbaik ialah- shopping online. There's few online shopping that I suggest such as Winkstick, Fashion Valet and ThePopLook (tu pun baru tau dari blog Hanis Zalika ) Izzati- the person who I working on her dress now is just 20y.o and she's the owner of Winkstick that she shared with her sisters and the best part- the mom is the admin. Best gila ok! Kalau whole family sepakat... InsyAllah berjaya.  Check it out guys!

But somehow, shopping online ni ada la best dan tak bestnya.. When what we expect doesn't reach our expectation.. kenalah redha sebab u cant even try, yoou cant even checked so everything is you take your own risk. And so do I. I wasn't happy but I have to understand the terms of online shopping.

OK, I guess thats all for now because i got work to do. Till we meet again.


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