Friday, December 3, 2010


I'm praying hard... semoga journey of 2011 goes well dan semua doa2 saya termakbul. I dont have to elaborate semua secara terangan di sini, kontroversi nanti. Haha.. I don't pray high... cuma segalanya berjalan lancar dan menepati dateline yang saya tetapkan pada diri sendiri. And of course... investmentnya juga sangat besar dari segi masa dan kewangan, di mana saya mula meneroka negara Asia (setakat ni itu je yang termampu) to search for the best. To restart and rebranding ni nampak mudah tapi apa yang saya lalui sekarang ni.. agak merangkak. Well, if you wanna superb outcome- it take time. Its goin to be your fantastic masterpiece.

Melihat Sara membesar depan mata, membuka mata aku untuk kerja lebih keras supaya dapat beri yang terbaik dari segala segi. Not saying husband not doing so.. sebab I believe dalam sebuah organisasi kekeluargaan patut diberikan tugas supaya segalanya berjalan dengan lancar. So far Alhamdulillah. Dan sangat bersyukur, Sara membesar dengan sihat dan penuh kasih sayang.

Time hit 3am soon. I guess I need to make a move. So.. nanti blog lagi k.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Agak berat tajuk tu. Tapi kadang2.. Disebabkan sayang kita simpan.. Tapi kalau kita simpan dan tak mendatangkan faedah buat apa simpan. Kan? Mood lately tak berapa elok. Sometime its up, somtime its down. I did my best to be stagnant, but I'm just human being tho. A week ago, I see London damn near, very near. Now I see London its.. Quite far. I don't know why I say this but, I will work into it. Ada cita2 memang indah dan lebih indah kalau semua jadi nyata. Tapi sebagai manusia dan juga hambaNya, aku hanya mampu doa dan usaha, segala terletak kepadaNya. Banyak yang aku nak dalam hidup. Kalau org tak baca habis, people thought that I am greedy. No. I'm not greedy. Let put it this way- super ambitious. Tapi boleh dikatakan cita2 aku tu semua banyak link kepada keluarga aku. Mungkin sedikit pada diri sendiri. Tipu kalau aku kata takde sikit pun untuk diri sendiri. I don't have to reveal all here. No point. Cukuplah aku share dengan orang terdekat. Kadang2 bila kita plan, its good if we keep it to ourself. Make it in silent. When it proven..- boom! Tapi bila aku renung sendirian, mencari kehendak dalam diri.. Banyak yang aku kena jaga. Ikut hati mati. Kena ikut akal. :-) and to you, who know the real story behind this, I know you will say- Alhamdulillah kerana apa yang kau lalui tidak sehebat aku. Yes I know. Sharing is caring buddy! When I share, rasa lega sikit. Lama aku tak update blog. Dari english kepada rojak. Aku rasa lebih relax. Aku Melayu, so walau sedikit rojak, rasa lagi best if write in my own way. This blog goin to be a public blog soon. So apa yang aku tulis mencerminkan diri sendiri. So, I have to behave too. I don't see blog or facebook as a platform for you to express your frustration in a bad way. Until now, whatever aku nak taip, luah, aku kena fikir 2x. Adakah ia akan jatuhkan air muka orang lain? :-) aku akan pastikan apa yang aku taip ada maksud tersirat. Indirect kata orang putih. Aku akan cari ketenangan yang aku cari. Tak kira ke mana aku akan mengembara. Ia sukar. Sangat sukar sebab aku bukan single. Tapi masih ada jalannya. Nite all

Friday, October 29, 2010


Dah pukul 2+ am.Ikutkan banyak lagi kerja tak settle. Tapi mengenangkan esok nak kena bangun awal, so terpaksa jugaklah berhenti and kena pujuk diri sendiri untuk tidur. I have a great conversation last night with my friend Shafiq. Actually susah betul aku nak dapat cari orang yang sesuai untuk di ajak berborak tentang banyak perkara, tentang life, tentang beban yang ditanggung, share pendapat.. Thanks a lot bro!! Nak ikutkan.. Aku dah letih sebenarnya tapi bila pandang Sara.. Kerja jugak. I have a lot in mind lately. Kadang2 tu sampai tak tau nak susun mana 1. Haha.. Hai entahlah. Kalau aku superwoman agaknya.. Aku tak tau apa jadi. :-) peringat untuk diri sendiri untuk hari ini - belajar untuk bersyukur. Night all!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010




Friday, February 12, 2010


There's no such Valentines in my life. I don't celebrate Valentine's- really. I don't really look forward for that. To me I don't need a specific date to celebrate or appriciate my loved one. I cherish every moment that we have together. Every single day. But ya- wutta heck- Happy celebrating V-day uols.

I have quite a hectic life today. Sara not so in a good mood. I start my thingy at 11am ( bit late as I plan yesterday because Sara make me late!!!) First of all I went to Giant to exchange. Then I ay my bills. After that I went to Mozel to trim my hair. Ya Allah.. Sara was shouting and screaming... crying all over while Stanley cut my hair. I am clueless ok. Clueless. Stanley was so shaky when he cut my hair. I can feel the vibe and stress all over. Owh dear Sara... why do to mummy like this dear..

After my hair done- I move to Ikano and do my businesscard. Damn its expensive!!! For time being- that's my businesscard. I will improve. Then I had lunch at Dome enjoying my fav Chicken Pie and Honey Comb. Yumm.. and Sara enjoy her Rusk that I borught from home. Sorry dear you are too small for Dome. Others.. just some window shopping and I grab a pair of Crocs for Sara.

Let's go.. Sara with her new M&S shoe

Listen to music. I doubt so

Calling daddy. Lol


I reach home at 5.30pm. Can't wait till Bakri come back so I can relax. and enjoy my Nasi ayam Penyet which gave me stomachache now! Urggh!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hello!!! Sara was sleeping now, So i take a chance to update my blog. I was so happy and very positive today! Thank Allah that I still have chances to breathing. Hmm.. Alhamdulillah.

Rafie Mahmood has tagged in side his facebook for his client wedding. So one of the wedding attire was sewn by me. I was so happy it turns out very fantastic look on the bride. A credit to Rafie too for his creativity and the pelamin was sooo fabulous.

Wardrobe & Accessories : Nazuin Halim/ Rafie Mahmood
Make up and Pelamin: Rafie Mahmood.
Photo: Fozan

Tadaa!!! So next will be Kebaya Pesak Gantung in white Songket. I cant wait to show you!! And last will be my friend's wedding dress. I can't reveal now or else the bride won't be surprise. So, stay tuned!!

To get yours, kindly contact me at +6012 7733734. Bye.


Sunday, February 7, 2010


Owh God.. it's 4 am and I still cant sleep? What should I do? I had enough of facebooking whole day and non stop praying that Rafie will get his Kebaya Pesak Gantung by Tuesday. Or else.. I am a dead duck! Its been a tiring weeks I can tell as I shared before in my last post. I dont know why. So I took Buffered C and Executive B from Blackmores as a supplement. It works! Damn you Centrum- you even gimme a stress!! So goodbye Centrum and welcome back Blackmores. Buffered C as you know as a vitamin C to cover over 8hours and Executive B to those who lead a hectic days. Heh? Its good if u having stress everyday. Let me repeat- EVERYDAY!! Like moi.

Last Saturday I have a very lovely luncheon and hang out with Elly and son! So cute lil' Samuel. We went for lunch at Chili's and shopping.. and before we left, we lepak at Chocolate Lounge for my dear Miss Coco (had enough of Fair Lady) and Opera cake (it taste sucks!), Elly chose strawberry frappe and thai curry chicken pie. she said not bad.

First time met- Hello Sara. Hello Sam.

Mummy with bubbly Sara

Sam just woke up and hungry.

We are looking forward to hang out more after this. Just hang on elly, once I got day off on weekend, Isurely buzz you!!

Much Love!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Its a stress month of January and February. I dont know why. I lost my energy. I have bundles of clothes to sew. I have baby to take care. I have husband to entertain. I have housechore to do. My mom was away in JB for 3 months so me and hubby have to take care Sara ourselves. Before, my mom stayed with me and help me to take care of Sara while I'm out to work or sewing.

My husband was so helpful.. There's one time he help me taking care of Sara for a week. Normally I did it myself, and he only do milk at night. But I dunno why, I am so stress and tired of daily routine. Whenever i went back home, I will straight to the bed and..zzz.. For a week!!! For God sake!

I wish I could write more.. Just wanna say hi! Gotta go.. Will update more soon!!

January gone.. Now its February

Friday, January 22, 2010


Alhamdulillah to All Mighty Allah that I'm still alive and have chances to enjoy and cherish every single thing that been borrowed by Allah to all of us.

Alhamdulillah I still have parents and healthy.

Alhamdulillah I still have a lovely and happy family.

Alhamdulillah that I have such a supportive and understanding husband.

Alhamdulillah that I still can hug, kiss and raise my child.

Alhamdulillah that I am able to work harder to have a better living.

Alhamdulillah I have a such a sincere friends.


Friday, January 15, 2010


My dear atok- Zainah Binti Mat Ariff

She born in year 1936. She has been such a great Atok ever in my life that no one could replace. She is a person who soft, sensitive, loving, caring but yet very alert on what happpened surround. She never scold us. She always cooked a good and tasty food for us. She never let us down whenever we want her to cook something coz we love her cooking!! How I miss all that so much since she felt sick since 2 years back. She barely remember all of us. Atok, we understand your condition now. But we still can feel your pure loves evetho you cant even speak to us anymore. We loves you so much Atok!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Its 3.32am and i am still awake. My minds flies and empty. Suddenly I felt so sad and I have to accept the facts that I'm going to leave this house when the right time is come. I look around. I still remember when the first time I step into this house. Its empty. No grills. No curtain hanger. Dusty. Brand new and I can tell I am one of the first batch who move in Pelangi Damansara.

Bank called me on my lunch time. En. Zul said- congratulations, your house loan has been aprroved. Unfortunately I cant get Mr. Bakri. So I told him, that I will ask Bakri to call him back. I am so happy that my dream come true. I waited almost 4 months but I didnt put on high hope. I just have faith that I will get that house. Im gonna have my own workshop when we move to a new house. Im gonna have my own space to sew. Sara will have her own room and place to play. Sara will have chances to play at swimming pool since she always love play with water, bubbles and floating ducks during shower time. Bakri will have his own chill space, astro, games.. and I was thinking to get a foosball table or maybe a mini pool. And I can enjoy a free gym!! And a sauna! When free time I can have new activities such as cyling and playing badminton with hubby and Sara. And the best part- my kitchen will be 3 times bigger!! Alhamdulillah.

InsyAllah, when we move in soon, first thing that we have to do is 'cuci rumah'. Paint the house, choose a nice lighting, a fan, kit cab, grills.. when everything done, I will do a doa selamat and also some makan-makan. I cant wait but I know I still have to wait, after my lawyer will settle things with the owner. And I started to packed.

After all this, I can see how things change. From a kid turns to teenager, then a youth.. found a guy and in love.. engaged and tie a knot with a marriage, after 3 months waiting.. blessed with a baby girll.. and now.. moving into a bigger house. How I see myself transforming from someone single into a married lady who have 1 kid but still stay the same. :-) How I see myself having a bigger responsibility compared to yester years. How I see myself have a mission and goals to make my life better. How I see myself as a grown woman and gettin older. And how I see myself dont have much times to pursue what I love.

Yes, people said its a long way to go. You are still young. But I dont think so. Im aging through the time how times are so preacious to me. I'm stuck in the middle now. Its hard to explain in here as its a little bit complicated but I can survive.

I do hope, everything goes well for 2010. I have a big hope this year and will change my life as well.



I think I had enough on 'slaving' myself doin things that I dont really like but I have to do it for the sake of money. Whereby, I have to spent like 13heures including travel per day and I only have 11heures left. Shower? Sleep? Time for Sara? Sewing? Ya Allah.. Allah knows how I wish I have more time and if I can add another 6heures extra, I'll do it!!

Speaking of latest issue about Allah exclusively for Muslim- I totally agree with it! Sometimes, I do meet some non-Muslim say "Alhamdulillah" , "Ya Allah" .. some say "wah pandai lah you sebut macam tu" but I totally not happy and agree with it. sometimes, the way they pronounce itis different so its tend to turns into other meaning. To avoid confusion between all religion, I think we should make it clear- Allah was exclusively for Muslim people. And I agree with Che Det when he said, God is Tuhan but not Allah.

Sharng is caring. I like this words. These day, I saw in the paper, a lot of cases about abortion among youngsters. I feel like paste on how baby look like after abortion whereby some of the body split into 4, some turns like a mince meat.. SubhanAllah.. unfortunately, to respect everybody's feeling, I cant share the picture here where I google and watch from you tube. Its so touching when you see a baby's head just as big as 10cents, still red and the mother dont want them. I dont understand why they have guts to throw the baby in the dustbin, or river and even flush it in the toilet?? or buried them alive??? I dont know what kind of human they are. If you know you are about to abortion, why dont you just do it when they are not being shape like a human yet? Why? Why dont you give it to Child Welfare instead of throwing them like rubbish? Why? I always wonder why. Did they know some married couple waited for 5-10 years sometimes just to have a baby? Do they know? I just pray and hope, 1 day if they are married, and they still not have any baby yet, the answers are with them!

Gtg.. talking about abortion make me pissed off. Sorry for being so emotional. They are just... so cruel! Enough said!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Hye uols!! Happy New Year!! I'm sorry, I dont have fabulous pictures of mine celebrating NY this year bcoz me and hubby choose to stay at home and pray may we blessed with a beautiful life ahead! But I did enjoy the fireworks from my room's window.Its awesom!!

I have a very good start for 2010. I am so happy so as a reward I bought Sara 2 pairs of T-shirts + pants at Poney (its still on sales!! hehe) and a hair cut done at Kota Damansara shop. (Sorry I forgot the shop name but I knew where it is because I always bought baby things at Camy beside the saloon. Its cheap!!) Their service are very good and super friendly!! I'll be back when I need to trim my hair.

A boy cut. Lucky my husband didnt freak out

Actually, it's... quite short though.. because when they cut, we both chating but in the same time I busy facebooking. Haha.. so I guess they unintentinally over cut my hair but... I kinda like it.. hihi.. easier to manage after this! Moral of the story, do not facebooking while they cut your hair so you can monitor. Lol.